is dance a form of exercise?

YES, IT IS. Read more about the physical and mental benefits of dance in the article below!

A typical workout for many of us would be aerobic exercises like swimming, or anaerobic exercises like hitting the gym. Dance is far from your minds when you’re thinking about exercise, but it actually can be both, depending on the style of the dance.

Cardio-like dances that involve increasing the heart rate by moving around quickly, burning calories while doing so, are very common in today’s world. Some popular examples will be Zumba, K-Kardio and Hip Hop Fitness.

However, what differentiates dancing from typical exercises? 

Dance has the power to heal. According to Time US Article, “Why Dancing Is the Best Thing You Can Do For Your Body,” dancing could be utilised as an effective therapy for those suffering from social anxiety or fear of public speaking and encourage social bonding when grooving together with the rhythm, making us connect with ourselves and others around with music that we love.   

Dancing also has an important identity of being a form of art and performance, rather than purely for fitness.

Dancers tell their stories and emotions through movements used, exuding beauty, grace and strength as they use their bodies to tell their story.

Dance also has the ability to help individuals build a personal presence, confidence in performing and discipline that any athletes possess. 

Additionally, dancers not only 

  • Train speed and strength 

  • Develop personal flexibility, stamina and balance, similar to athletes

 But they also

  • Develop an ear for musicality, and

  • Stimulate their brain with adapting to routines or choreography

At the end of the day, dancing IS a form of exercise, but the athletic and artistic benefits extend more than what you get from most exercises. If you are bored with your regular workout routine, dancing spices things up and contributes to your overall well-being by feeding your soul with movements and music.

Regardless of your personal wellness goal, we can all agree that dance will let you explore different personalities and sides to your individuality, or as a form of social bonding activity while having a good sweat.

If you are interested in bringing your health and wellness regime to the next level, visit us at for more information.  
