Chin Yun (Batch 5)


TLE Batch: 5

Graduated: 2019

Danced for: 5 years

Currently dancing at: Legacy Trainee Crew, Team Legacy, Mighty Nomads

How did TLE impact my life:

Before being a part of TLE, I was quite lost in my dance journey which eventually fueled my desire for a proper direction. TLE provided a safe space for me to dance without fear of judgment, while simultaneously drilling in me proper basics and form. It pushes me to explore creativity in dance and freedom in movement, which was as exciting as it was nerve wrecking. I had the opportunity to perform, compete, join dance battles and even teach collab classes under heartfelt guidance of accomplished choreographers. But the true joy of it all was finding a family in this dance community. The people in TLE, including and especially the instructors, actively encourages me to keep going and never turned their backs on me when I needed them in or out of my dance journey. They taught me the concept of being a good person first before becoming a good dancer. It is through these people that I am inspired to keep working on my craft to one day give back all that I’ve received :)


Chang Zixuan (Batch 6)


Chng Min Qi (Batch 5)