Chang Zixuan (Batch 6)


TLE Batch: 6

Graduated: 2021

Danced for: 3 years

Currently dancing at: Legacy

How did TLE impact my life:

I actually first dipped my toes into the world of dancing around 7 years ago, I stopped as I didn’t find a sense of belonging at wherever I was dancing at. When I picked up dancing again at LDC, it was already 4 years later. what kept me here dancing in LDC is the bond I forged with my peers.

My main goal when I first started TLE in LDC was just to pick up a passion that I dropped several years ago. I joined TLE to learn dance alone, but i gained a family to dance with instead.


Ricole Sim (Batch 2)


Chin Yun (Batch 5)