Japheth Chia (Batch 4)


TLE Batch: 4

Graduated: 2019

Danced for: 5 years

Currently dancing at: Legacy Trainee Crew

How did TLE impact my life:

LDC provided a platform and to nurture values and lessons in life that go beyond what you can learn just from dance. The community within this area allows everyone to freely express their individuality in dance but at the same time, come together to support and push each other to grow to the best of each individual’s capability as a dancer. Without the instructors here at LDC, I would have definitely been lost in this dance journey of mine. These mentors and instructors are people with genuine hearts for those that are around them, constantly grooming and pushing us to be our best selves. It is through their commitments, expectations and training ethics, that I was able to gain so much insights on always putting 150% work ethic towards dance or in life.


Ginnie Lee (Batch 5)


Joey Ke Wan Xin (Batch 6)