Joey Ke Wan Xin (Batch 6)


TLE Batch: 6

Graduated: 2021

Danced for: 3 years

Currently dancing at: Legacy (Trainee Crew, Team Legacy)

How did TLE impact my life:

The TLE program has properly taught me the foundations and knowledge of street dance and throughout the journey I’ve learnt to be more aware of my movements and have discovered my dance style. It has been a constant learning curve since day one. To date, I am still grateful to have started my dance journey here with LDC. I could never imagine how my dance journey would be like if it wasn’t for the safe and nurturing environment provided here.

I was given many opportunities to train, perform, and collaborate with LDC instructors and friends. But the greatest takeaway would be all the valuable life lessons I was constantly reminded of. One of which is — to be good in anything we do, we ought to start being better people first. I am very excited to continue my dance journey alongside my batch mates, now my closest friends, and be the next generation to contribute back to the dance scene in our own ways.


Japheth Chia (Batch 4)


Keegan Tyler Chong (Batch 3)