Paige Sia (Batch 1)

Paige Sia

TLE Batch: 1

Graduated: 2018

Danced for: 5 years

Currently dancing at: Legacy (Trainee Crew)

How did TLE impact my life:

I started training in TLE in my second year of dance. I was relatively new with no solid foundations and TLE provided a really safe and warm place for me to train up my foundations and discover myself as a human and as a dancer.

I’ve also been given many opportunities to perform, choreograph, collaborate and share through TLE. This really helped me in terms of figuring out what I liked and for me to discover my own style. Legacy has also helped me in terms of building my confidence and character in dance and this has in turn given me a chance to reflect these values in many other aspects of my life as well.

Along the way, I met so many amazing dancers that are some of my closest friends right now. They are people that I get to learn from, dance with and do life together and I absolutely love the culture that has been built in Legacy by the students and instructors of TLE. It really gives me a sense of warmth whenever I walk into the studio for dance or even just to chill. Legacy will always be home.


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