Rae Lim (Batch 6)


TLE Batch: 6

Graduated: 2021

Danced for: 4 years

Currently dancing at: Legacy (Trainee Crew, Team Legacy)

How did TLE impact my life:

The fire started when I saw my friends perform in CO-EXIST, leading me to sign up for TLE because I “wanted to be as cool as them”. Signed up expecting simple dance foundation, learning steps to a choreography, and a chance to be on stage - but got so much more than I could have expected. TLE has unlocked many things for me: being exposed to genres I didn’t know existed before, experiencing the nerves and wobbly knees you get just before a battle or competition, pushing through the countless hours of training and cleaning that go behind a few (oh-so-rewarding) minutes of production, and just simply a complete lifestyle change. All of which would have meant nothing, if not for the nurturing and inspiring instructors and friends I have met on this journey. These people have turned from strangers into family, and have seen me through the highs and the lows. The safe space that I’ve found here allowed for growth in not just my dance technique and body awareness, but in character, perseverance and leadership skills as well. I’m immensely blessed to have started my dance journey here in Legacy, and know that I wouldn’t want to call anywhere else home.


Paige Sia (Batch 1)


Si Min (Batch 1)